Sunday, February 14, 2016

Reading, Learning, Writing

Two weeks of gap in my blog entry. WOW!! Even I can't believe that. I really want to continue to write and improve on my writing skills. Because it's important in both personal as well as professional life.

Progress since my last report:

- I have decided to take Glen Morris Solar PV + Storage course up in Moora Moora, Victoria. It's a 4 day course and I am signed up for March session. Really looking forward to that. Cost: $1500+ US$ = AU$2200. Payment method: Citi MasterCard, my only credit card from US. Feeling about the investment: Excited to learn off-grid solar installations and more, hopefully i can network with people as well.

- Reading the following two books:
  • Autobiography of Yogi (almost half way now): Learning to become more spiritual via divine infinite cosmic powers. It's a book on self-realization. I have also started on Kriya Yoga learning via youtube channels.
  • 4-Hour Workweek: Great book so far. I had this book reserved at the library and finally became available last week. Lot's of cool stories about people from all walks of life.
- Enrolled in following Coursera courses:

  • Initiating and Planning Projects
  • Intro to Public Speaking
  • Writing Professional Email and Memos

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