Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My first Australia Day in Australia - a dull one

Hot summer day, beautiful sunshine with temperatures just high enough to be hot but not as bad. There was plenty of good tennis on TV. I wish I could go and watch the Australian Open in the court, live but I can't spend my little saved money that way. Gotta be smarter than that, now that I am a grown man with a family to raise.

As usual I stayed up late last night doing homework on drop shipping business. It was 3am when I hit the bed, so waking up was a bit tough. By 10am I was up, showered and ready to start my day. After my first cup of coffee, Yahvie wanted to go out and play handball. So we did, for about 30 minutes. Almost 5 years old now, she keeps surprising me with her memories and tells me how we used to play the ball in her play room back in Boise. She is as amazing as they come. In total, we had 3 sessions of ball game today, the last one at 7 in the evening and lasted for almost 30 minutes. 

All day, I have been restless today. Yahvie is handful and seeks all the attention while she is not watching her iPad. Great tennis on TV that I didn't want to miss. I still managed to research solar manufacturers in the USA, mainly Renogy and Grape Solar. Renogy is probably the most popular among DIY (Do It Yourself) solar buyers because of their price and quality. Looking at Amazon sales data, they sell a lot more products than Grape does. My idea of taking solar products to drop shipping is not bad after all as long as there are reliable whole sellers with quality products in Aliexpress or unless US company like Renogy is willing to let me sell their product. Target buyers would be DIY solar installers, and there are plenty of those and still growing especially in USA. At this point, I need to do two things to make this happen. Educate myself on drop shipping. Educate myself in solar panel installation. I also see potential in drop shipping many smaller PV products such as solar charger and solar flashlights. Best thing is this industry is about to explode in the near future. Here is some proof I collected.

Google trends and keyword search for solar panels search over years..

Cheaper the price, higher the growth

  2017 forecast is low due to solar tax set to expire in 2016, but the new expiration now is 2022. This graph wasn't updated at the time when I copied

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