Monday, December 19, 2016

Waiting game with the new job interview result

When I got off the phone interview last Wednesday, I felt pretty good. The last words by my interviewer were something like 'typically the next step is on-site interview, you'll hear from the end of this week if not early next week...'. I liked my chances.

Today is Monday and six in the evening. I haven't heard anything from the HR. I glued myself to the gmail all day, only to be disappointed.

I would flip the pages on the Digital Logic books to prepare for on-site. Then I would be distracted by the absence of invitation for the on-site. Again, I would tell myself that it was only a matter of time before that email popped in my inbox. Then back to the book.

All day, it was a back and forth between GMAIL and the textbook. So hard to stay motivated when things are so uncertain.

I have two gap years in my resume from 2014-2016. Those were the years I spent time in Nepal and in Australia. Nothing I did in those years will help me get a job today. If anything that was my weakness in the resume. Otherwise, my eight years of experience is solid as gold (plus I have been preparing for the interview).

Tomorrow will be another long day monitoring my inbox.. let's see

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